Me and Bryan Bay!
(He say sticking his tongue out is cute)
Went back to Bukit View just now. Literally, everything changed. The School, The environment, The teachers, even the uniform also changed. Haha. Nevertheless, some things never change. Hahas.(He say sticking his tongue out is cute)
Mr Tan Huong, trying to shoot us down with his funny jokes, but we grown out of it alr. It's been 4 years alr, and the jokes are never changes. Lovely!
Mrs Sia, her technique to shoot people and be sarcastic is still there. :)
Mr Nazar, Still as hairy as ever. Still very loving and gentle HAHAHA !
Mdm Quek, as cute as ever.
Met Juliana at Batok Mrt Station. Saw her coming with Hanaffi. And I swear that our hug was the longest and hardest I gave ever ! Just miss this crazy girl damn much :) We've been classmates for 4 long years. We've also been in the same CCA for 4 long years too. Walked to school and first teacher I saw was Mr Chan! Haha, the cutest PE teacher ever in BukitView ! Collected our O level Certs and testimonials like finally. Haha. Saw Mdm Maziyan and Miss Yeng! Hahas, Miss Yeng is still as cute as ever. And she box me can. Haha, super funny :)
Went upstairs and saw Mr Nazar ! Omg, all time favourite humanities teacher :) We talked about life and he liked our class! Haha ! He said there were alot of different characters in my class then. Saw my favourite teacher, Mdm Quek! Accounts for life! Haha! Went to HOD room and there was Mrs Sia, 2nd favourite teacher, I LOVE CHEMISTRY! She is as hilarious as ever, and she never stops "gossipping" And yes Mrs Sia, I will be gentle to my patients! HAHAHA ! :) Went to Saw Ms Chua and Mrs Yvonne Ong. :)
Went to Staff room and saw Mr Tan Huong ! Bestest ever :) Then our search continue as we went to hunt for Mr Chia ! He still looks the same as ever, Haha, talked about Maths again! And saw Ms Aida :) Yes Ms Aida, I will look after you when you're old. Haha ! Walked around and saw Mr Tan Huong again ! So this time we talked, chatted bout loads of stuff. And he is no longer in charge for NPCC anymore, he switched to NCDCC. Sad for the unit :(
Took pictures with Juliana, Stephanie!, Terence TutTutTut, Jialong and BRYANBAYKIMWEE ! hahaha, the fun we had were indescribable. :)
And received a message from Mr Tan. Touched by what he said. Thats why he was and will always be my most respected teacher ever :)
Oh yeah, if any ex-Bvss see this, believe it a not, i hugged Ms Michelle Cheong just now. Funny how I use to cheek her last time with the guys of 2e1(Chee CHEONG Fan & SheMan), how I use to disrespect her and now, thinking back, I was a horrible student. Failed all physics test and exams, disrespected all physics teachers who taught me (Ms Cheong&Ms Low) when I suddenly passed ONE COMMON TEST, i requested Ms Low to remark and recount my paper, simple unbelievable & it was a high pass, 19/25. :) Have so much to say, but mostly are regrets now.
Overdued Photos:
-Movie Night Saturday.

Rocky & HuaiXin

Jieying & Me

Huaixin, Me, Jieying.





Lemonade !
-Bikini Bar Sunday.

Jesse & Jolene


It was pouring :(
Other pictures with Jolene. Needa get from her soon :)

See my name? HAHA