Personally I feel that some people are bored with their lives. What they do is go around people's blog and tag nonsense. Well, it's quite funny actually. What's the use of doing that? Do you feel happy? Satisfaction? or even feel that it is exciting? Well, HAHA ! Go see a Psychiatrist, it will help, seriously :)
Had Fam&Com Health ICA ppt just now, sat through the presentations for 2 hours straight as all the 4 sub-groups presented today. Well everyone, that was our very last ICA ppt fr this sem, we can all relax and chill now. Just concentrate on the upcoming papers. :)
Had LifeGuard training just now. Did events after the warm-ups. Was in the same lane as FangShuai and Julius. :) FIRST: Fins 10x50m. SECOND: Mannikin tow 5x50m. THIRD: Obstacle swim 10x50m. LAST: Mannikin tow with torpedo & fins. Had a few more injuries to add on to last week's
    • Left heel developed blisters due to finning just now !
    • Right shoulder sustained abrasion due to torpedo strap !
    • Left shoulder had scratches -.-
    • Right big toe abit swollen due to the fin !
Okays, so Lifeguards do train hard during trainings. :)
Next week's SwimTeam time trials. I don't even think I can successfully take an event. Pondering to go on which day. =/
Work tomorrow with Elgin. He's doing full shift. hahas.
Study Study Study for Wednesday's Paper!

I need to Blar out on LJ again. So stay tune :)
& thanks JieYing for the talk. Love you!



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