Cherlyn is Happy :D
Went shopping with Jolene and Huaixin yesterday. Gotten some stuff for ourselves, but mainly for our beloved. :D SHOPSHOPSHOP ! The funny thing happened at NUM, we are all poor teenagers, with no money in our bank. :D
And I think I'm over-doing it. HAHA ! But who cares man, as long as I'm happy.
Rushing the PowerPoint with Chiitrra and Alia now. Fucked up Case-Study! Hope everything would turn out fine tomorrow.
Msn-ing. :D With Jolene, Superstar, AndyYek !
Last week of Attachment ! Last week to see my cooliooooooooooooo Physiotherapist! Last week to work with pretty SNs and ANs! Last week to see Sister's toot-toot face! HAHAHA!

Anyway, I feel that 24hr a day is so not enough for me. I still got super lot stuff uncompleted. Oh god, please give me more time. I'm willing to exchange some of my fats to buy more time. Anyone selling time? :DDD

I've got nothing else to say. I'm tired. I'm so dead for case-study presentation tomorrow.


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