Your Truly :)

Weekends are here !
Attachment is somewhat a living hell. Because you'll have to stand for 8 hours, walk around, serve patients, do work, get ordered around, get scolded, get bullied by others and paid 10bucks a day only.
On the good side, I've learn hell lots of new stuff. I've managed to carry out procedures which are not taught in school yet. That's fun. Haha.
Anyway, I think Yours Truly here is going to die very soon, she will have a shorter lifespan than any other 17 years old girl, any other NYP SHS student, any other swimmer, any other nurse. She is currently the Student Nurse in Alexandra Hospital, Surgical Ward 12, Team 3, Cubical 7, Beds 38-43. My ward has 1 Hepatits B patient and 1 HIV positive carrier. My cubicle, beds 38-43, is an isolation ward, so patients I'm taking care of now is all patients with MRSA, Mecithilin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. Just for your information, this MRSA thingy is known as a hospital-aquired infection which takes place 8 hours after admission, and its kills. I think you guys understand my position now.
But work is fun, I've grown closer to some of my patients in Cubicle 6 and 7, I know their condition, their life before admission and their wonderful and interesting life stories. Entertaining me when I'm bored with their life stories, interesting and you'll be shocked. Haha.
And I simply adore this Physiotherapist, Kyle smth smth smth. HAHA ! Full name Unknown, in the process of finding out! I noticed her on my first day of work. She look freaking cool wth shoulder-length hair, brown with ash highlights, slightly styled, 3quarter-sleeve button top, slightly long skinny jeans, shoes with a white short sleeve coat. Anyway I spoke to her just now, offering help, and she patted my shoulder and said thanks. I FEEL LIKE FLYING ! Omg, I don't mind being a lesbian with her ! HAHAHAHA! SHE'S FREAKING COOL I SWEAR, AND I WILL CONTINUE TO FISH OUT INFORMATION ON HER!
Haha, Okay, I've not been swimming for a week now. Feeling so fat now, Haha. And Someone is sick like one big kukubird now. Making this dying student nurse here very worried.

I want to take a long good break to charge up myself.

Go Cherlyn,
You can do it!


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