fallen for you baby

because tonight will be the night that I'll fall for you

because a guy like you is impossible to find,
you're impossible to find.

First week of school. Finally met up with my terrific classmates from NR0827. Time-table wasn't that bad but some lecturers were a little off standards compared to last semester. Biology is killing me, with the nervous system. CFC(Midwifery&Paeds) is scaring the hell out of me. Trust me, you wouldn't want to read the notes, I don't want to have any babies in the future anymore. Heavy module, Professional Nursing etc, comprises of 3 big topic which means F for me. Lab sessions are as fun as usual, more like free period kind of thing. Oh yes, and Psych is a blast! Elective starting soon. And I still don't know what should I take.
Baby accompanied me back to school and slacked with me till training starts. Gave him a little tour around the campus. Thank you baby! :D
Training was alright. Run, Paddles, Drills. Had dinner at KFC and went for team-gaming session at AMK. CSed awhile then went home. :D
Shared some stuff with Jolene, was feeling much better after that. Bottling up stuff inside don't feel good at all. I want to tell, but I don't know how. I just wish everything would turn out to be fine. I hope.


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