Baby cries Mummy

I fear for the worst
Another week at school ended! Had fun in school this week. And 30% of the time during lecture was in lala-land. Like duh-who-cares! :D School was ok. I'm spending too much $$ on food again. This always happens when school reopens. Took pictures with the class. Hilarious stuff happened during lecture yesterday, made the group of us laughed nonstop. :D Unglamorous! Oh yes, was talking to TM & Julius in the library with Shimin yesterday, Huici and Jasmine came and impose a fine of $2000 on TM - FOR BEING GORGEOUS :DDD I had it tooo okieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Okays truth is I demanded one from Huici. HAHAHA! She gave me a gorgeous mentos too! :D Work was fun! Trainings were ok. Not as intensive or what but still fun! WaterPolo POL-ITE was great! NYP did some serious thrashing eh? HAHAH ! ALL THE WAY GUYS! Boyf made it a point to wake up early in the morning to send me to school. Thanks love! Oh yes, I saw Damian the other day at Raffles Place & I totally couldn't recognise him! He smiled at me and I gave him the huh-who-are-you look. Hahahaha damn retarded! Hello Handsome! Nice to see you again! :D
Once again, some decided to betray my trust, thus leaking out some "secret". Hahahaha, who cares anyway, continue by all means. I see no hope already. Familiar with the saying a leopard never changes its spot ? I see no hope in
And seriously I fear, Ashley and Liping knows best. Scared but excited, Anticipating but fearful. Like totally what-the-hell. We are afraid and yet that's our common topic now. Preparing for the worst now my dears, but still, I hope for the best. Who doesn't? Somebody is seriously in lovelovelovelovelovelove. HAHAHAHAHA~ Remember to play hard to get, but just follow your heart. It's time to forget the past and move on already girl! :DD
Ashley, Liping!
Help me!
What should I do?