Today is the last day of Attachment! Happy as I can be, I can't bear to leave the ward, the staffs, and the patients. I feel like doing something special for the SNs & the ANs who guided me during this posting.
Kyle Su Ka Fei! My lovely Physiotherapist! I'm so going to miss her. I volunteered to help her during my first week, she turned me down, but gave me a pat on the back and said "Thank you dear! *accompanied with her lovely smile* I went crazy! Today, I helped her with a patient. And she said "Sayang, can you give me a hand?" Omg I literally ran there, Hahaha. "Thank you Cherlyn!" I wanted to scream out loud! Hahahhahaha. I'm going to miss you Kyle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And bad news, due to certain reasons, I might have to repeat my posting, which obviously I won't. So if this happens, I will change course.
Now that he is gone,
Who will be my motivation to pay attention during lectures?
Who will be my motivation to keep me awake during lectures?
Who will be mymotivation to be on time for lectures?
Who will be my motivation to even attend lectures?
And his friends are leaving also! NO MORE GUYS TO SEE ALREADY! All leaving -.- Makes me want to leave to. Oh gosh, Life sucks!

IVP is next Saturday and Sunday! All thanks to DannyYeo who reminded me -.- I've been missing Swim,Polo&LG trainings for 3 weeks straight. Thank god SuperStar asked me for self-training sessions next week. I'm so going to be dead next weekends. I can already see history repeating itself, getting DQed for events and being the last in heats, emo-ing in a corner and crying my tears dry. Sooooooooooooooooooooooo, hardcore training begins once again :D

Help! Help! Help!
Someone save this girl from her agony!


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