this only applies for us.

Okay blogger is giving me the problem again. "Whyyyyyyyy are you doing this to me?"

Supposed to meet Ashley, Gariel and Hanz for study session in school but I was sleeping my day away until 3pm. (%#@*$*@($#!) HAHA! So i reached school about 5pm. Went for training at 6. Today was all about events. So we did our events and took timings. Horrible I would say. Everything is in extreme slow-motion now. So Baby came and waited for me, did some studying in school and left for supper.

My phone is away on a camping trip at Baby's place now. He took my phone home by accident. So I will be phoneless for tmr. Oh yea. I would be dateless too. Date me out anyone?

This will be our second vday spent together. But who cares?
2008 vs 2009.
Single vs Attached.
I feel no difference.


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