
What is I died one day? Will you love me more?
What if I don't exist anymore? Will you ever miss me at all?
What if I can't be found? Will you try to find me?
What if I leave you for good, not because I don't love you but because I love you so much, so much that it hurts for me to live another day without you. Will you regret leaving me?

I had always taken you for granted, not treasuring you enough. That's why the both of us became what we are today. I'm such a bad person, I made the one I love cried countless time and he is a guy. Guys don't shed tears for nothing, it's because it hurts damn bad. I go around hurting people, bringing misery to their life. I should die, yes I should. Cause you don't need me anymore, my task is completed. There's no more meaning in life, cause my life is all about you. My life is all about loving you and making you feel happy. I failed terribly. I'm sorry I was such a letdown. I can't turn back time, but I can promise to be a better lover. Do you remember all our promises, our lovewords, our plans for the future? It's okay if you don't, cause I will bring those memories, be it good or bad, i will bring them to the afterlife. I deserve all these tears and heartache. But the pain is too much, I can't take it anymore.

Everyone has to leave the surface of the Earth, I was never a useful thing in the world. All I ever did was to cause trouble, hurt people and in turn, people leave me. I dont have girlfriends, I dont have BFFs. I dont have a complete family, I dont have someone to love me. How pathetic can a life be. I sucked to the core, people hated me ever since I started school. In primary school I was such a showoff, I have trouble with friends, in fact, I was the outcast. In secondary school the same thing happened. When I finally have some girlfriends, I screwed things up. The next thing I knew, I was all alone for recess. It sucks badly. I had to join people from other classes for recess. Cause I was the outcast. Even till now, I dont fit in anywhere. My team hates me, I am neither here nor there. I really suck. I'm fucking pathetic.

Things were better when Im poor, you and I happy together, the first few months. People envy us, I still remember how proud I was when someone told me that she envy us. I love to tell people the things that you've done for me and they all told me I've found a very good guy. Yes I know I did. That's why I love you so deeply. When you said forever, I believed. We talked about our future home together, you wanted some pretty car which I dont know much about, you wanted a simple and happy family. We dont need to be rich, we dont need to stay in a big house and have many cars. You said simple is good, and yes now I agree. Simple is good, simple was happy. But I didnt know, I was greedy, I didnt appreciate you enough. I had everything good in the world and there I go again, I fucking screw up my life. I'm sorry.

You are the fucking best I swear. I hope I can change your mind later on. I need to see you just once, if still your decision remains unchange. I think my time is really up. Goodbye world, goodbye my love.


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