Holding on.

It's only days away from the big exam day. I should be studying now but distractions, sigh they are my greatest enemies now. Today's study was not productive at all, cause we ended up snacking and chatting at the library, hope tomorrow's will be better since there's only two of us. Cause I wanna do well for this exam and pull my bloody low GPA up. It's my last few chances already. Training was good just now, I did my best. Hi water-feel, I think I lost you again. Please make your way back home to me soon alright?!

I cannot focus, I'm trying to but sometimes I just can't help it. Sadness is inevitable in life, but really thank god I have awesome support from people who care or at least pretend to care. At least they bother. I'm better now, as long as I'm doing something, I won't think. Hmm maybe maybe. Cause mending a broken heart ain't easy. Picking up the broken pieces of it is tedious, especially when it's all little pieces. I got cut when picking them up, cause every piece is sharp with memories of the both of us. I give up from time to time cause the pain is too much to handle that I dropped the pieces and started to breakdown. This process is repetitive. Then I would try to pick them up again and then let go. Too much, really too much. You know?

Can I just sleep throughout this freaking life of mine? 19years and I've made so much mistakes already. FML.


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