
I'm losing everything in sight.
Firstly you, the most important thing in my entire life. I lost you. Then I had news, someone important to me, someone who is very dear. Next my studies, presentation tomorrow and we were not informed, cause the slides are not ready. We couldnt get the lecturer. We could get zero for that. I might be facing a 3.5years in poly now. Then now the every big problem is, 6 more months, my sponsorship? Ya right, it could be a 32k. It's exams now and I can't focus, yet again I broke down during study just now. Everything seems so unfair to me. Why are all the bad stuff happening to me and only me? At least in the past you were there for me but now I have none, I am fucking depressed. I wanna stop swimming, I wanna stop doing evrything. I hope there's really a time machine. I wanna turn back time to 3years ago. I wanna start afresh. I'm hopeless. My life sucked to the max and I'm not enjoying any part of it. June is sucky enough I really hope July will be a good one. I dare to pins my hopes high though. It's been a real tough 3 weeks for me. I really wish you were here to talk to me. I really miss those hugs, I really want those reassuring words from you, they really provided comfort and set me at ease. I texted you and again no reply. This is karma, I wasn't there for you when you're down so why should you be here when I'm at the lowest point of my life?

If this is life, I think I had enough already. I'm ready to die any momnet now. the setbacks this time is too great for me to deal with. Tyvm. Fulfilling my simplest resolution of staying happy this year is hard. Why do people even need to write "STAY HAPPY" on their arms to remind them to really STAY HAPPY? How freaking pathetic can I get. Seriously I suck to the core. I'm getting my punishments now, so haters out there, you all can celebrate. I bet I have many haters. Cause god is giving me what I truly deserve now. I lost my smile, I can't smile, I dont wanna do anything now. I'm a waste.



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