
Funny how words can make a great deal to make someone happy and do a one-eighty change to one's emotions. The thoughts that were in my mind a while back, I did a pretty bad job shutting them it. Well the truth is after a few feeble attempts, I gave up trying to shut them. Now those thoughts are running wild now or rather, they're on a wild rampage, creating chaos and stirring the emoshitz out of me. Seriously, it's so bothering me. Big time.
Study session today was a big screw-up. I did notes but nothing went into this peabrain of mine, literally. And as usual I ended up dozing off on my lecture notes. They're pillows, like how the lecture tables are like beds. Anyway my arms and back ached like shitz (or even worse) after that nap and I couldn't put on my jacket, tq youseeme for helping me. That's how pathetic I am after a sudden return to training after 2 weeks of hiatus. So I gave today's session a miss and went to Bugis and had gotten fatter. I was being a bitch yet again. This cycle just kept going on & on. Fuck life sometimes.
Well tomorrow is going to be so awesome. Flea early in the morning with the girls, then another "planned" study session (let's see how it goes) then am gonna visit this silly boy at work and here comes the awesome part, chillax session at Timbre with the coolio peeps. \m/ Life couldn't get better.
And silly, you're just too good to be true. :)
Study session today was a big screw-up. I did notes but nothing went into this peabrain of mine, literally. And as usual I ended up dozing off on my lecture notes. They're pillows, like how the lecture tables are like beds. Anyway my arms and back ached like shitz (or even worse) after that nap and I couldn't put on my jacket, tq youseeme for helping me. That's how pathetic I am after a sudden return to training after 2 weeks of hiatus. So I gave today's session a miss and went to Bugis and had gotten fatter. I was being a bitch yet again. This cycle just kept going on & on. Fuck life sometimes.
Well tomorrow is going to be so awesome. Flea early in the morning with the girls, then another "planned" study session (let's see how it goes) then am gonna visit this silly boy at work and here comes the awesome part, chillax session at Timbre with the coolio peeps. \m/ Life couldn't get better.
And silly, you're just too good to be true. :)