
I love my life now, pretty much everything. Happy and somewhat contented, this is something which I hadn't been feeling for awhile. I had a great time with the girls shopping at town then meeting the guys for dinner. And the past few days were occupied, not wasting my holidays away. Great holidays so far, hopefully nothing will change.

Okay something JUST changed. I'm not being posted for my clinicals. Thank you I shall take back all my happiness and contentment. I should be jolly well prepared for this but fuck, I'm screwed big time!

Oh mask, when I need you, I will take you out and put you on. And you know you have been my best friend for so many years. You have hidden my sorrow from the rest, they do not know and they shall not be known. You understands me the best and you helped me in times of need. Mask oh mask, when can I put you away for good, I feel so dependent on you. Sometimes I freaking hate being so fake, not to others but to myself.

This is life. To make yourself happy for the moment, live in denial. I'm crying inside but who cares, fml.


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