
It's already 25th and August would be coming to an end. I've pretty much wasted the whole month away, playing and eating way too much. Exams in 2 weeks time and competition in 3, sometimes I question my ability to prioritize my responsibilities. I've been playing and playing, enjoying my study-break and forgetting what is this break actually for-Study.

I ask myself way too much questions and make myself think and reflect. I call this spending some quality "alone time" with myself. This is the time which I block everything out and it's just me and "the voice in my head" questioning each other about the every single thing that matters in my life. Nope I'm definitely not hallucinating and you've just got to admit, sometimes you find yourself talking to yourself in your head. (Like now, you're asking if you really did talk to yourself sometimes.)

Do you ever felt neglected by someone important? Sometimes, I do.
I think I'm thinking too much, yet again.


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