
Today I'm gonna be superficial, so superficial that you might just wanna close your window once you start reading the first sentence of the next paragraph. So brace yourself for the superficial me.

How I envy all the skinny people in the world. (Are you still reading?) To me, they're blessed with the most wonderful thing in the world- being able to enjoy food without the worry for gaining pounds. They do not face the fear of getting up the scale and seeing the numbers, they do not worry about unsightly bulges and they look good in (almost) everything. Sharp face, skinny arms, long fingers, flat tummy, small hips, straight thighs & calf, pretty feet. The pretty things, I do not have, sad. Okay this is so not like me to talk about these impossible wants.

Face it, there's nothing much I can really do but wait. I should find something to occupy my longlonglong holidays. I'm not gonna be out on clinicals anyway, so I should really do something useful rather than lazing my ass off at home. Everyone would be real busy with work, except me. Die man! Just die!



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