
Dreams, they either makes no sense at all, or they will represent part of your life, reflect the deepest desire you've been longing for or bring out worst fear which you have been repressing.
When one dreams, the subconscious mind takes over and everything runs wild. Your dream represent you, your thoughts and your fear. I'm sorry to be part of those dreams, I'm sorry to be part of those nightmares. I'm sorry for the kind of storyline those dreams had. I'm sorry I had to star in them. I'm sorry to implant those thoughts into you, it's accidental. I would never do such a thing. I caused all of your anxiety, I caused all those worries. If dreams were to appear in reality, it wouldn't hurt so much while I'm typing this. Dreams are not supposed to hurt, you can't feel pain in a dream. I didn't know I caused so much insecurities, it's really disappointing, not you but me. You need your very own totem, to keep in touch with reality.

Dreams always turn out to be the opposite of reality. And yes, national babe or not, I won't let it turn into reality. Nothing's gonna hinder us.

Hey boy, smile cause you're worth it. :)

And as for me, I need some emo-shitz again.


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