
Nobody is perfect, so stop looking for the perfection in someone. It's all about looking pass the imperfections and making everything else work. Nobody is made for one another and two very different being together is no easy task. You need to learn about that person, get used to the person, change that person then try to live with that person. It's only human nature to pick on each other, we need to learn how to compromise.
I had a 6/10 points day today. It started with a very cold beach training, running, swimming with more running and swimming then running. And today was also a VERY painful day as my period cramps decided to visit me in the afternoon. Very nearly died trying to walk to Bugis only to be crushed yet again, but everything's settled now. There's no need to look back into the past cause we need to learn from all mistakes no?
And I'm freaking fat now, need to diet already can fatasspigheadporkchop. Stop eating lah, urghhhhhhh zzzz!
And I'm freaking fat now, need to diet already can fatasspigheadporkchop. Stop eating lah, urghhhhhhh zzzz!