
Friday was Flea Escape with WSapien girls at *Scape! Four of us shared a store and it was a long 7hours all the way till 9pm! I'm very sure all of us were satisfied with our loots that day. Cheap thrills seriously! :D Despite the crampiness and humid/stuffness/very noisy environment we all were great salesgirls (esp the lelong $5 part!) Hehe! Also thank you Xy's boyf for bringing us Koi from Bishan, it was awesome ttm! Okay so I've gotten a bag at $10 (but it was sort of a instant regret seriously -.-), a belt at $10 and a dress at $5 (thanks for xy for buying 2 tops and got discount!). Had to give my cousin's chalet a missed due to flea then rushed home to put my leftover stuff (which is ALOT) then rushed over to Tampines.
I was abandoned in Singapore and I spent (most of) the day at NUS pool with Team WSapiens. The sun was scorching and despite the huge amount of Sunplay SPF 130 slapped on my back, I still got burnt. How badly, I would not know till later won't I? Now I'm just red. :/ And sooooo, I completed 100laps (5km) in 2hours flat! Could've gone faster but due to the constant "jam" in the lanes, I stopped quite alot of times- all the NUS guys chionging for the "most lap swam" prize which is like a medal and some free gift (wah piang got money go NUS no money buy bags and arena stuff meh?) Ended up with alots of people knocking into each other and some of them are really very rude! One guy went underneath me and knocked into me when he surfaced, from the bottom, like hello where's your brains? Got brains go NUS then no common sense isit? Freaking pissed while swimming but yeah I got my revenged though, I kicked some of them on purpose :) Then WS slacked while some of them collected their prizes and then we went over to Holland V to have our very late lunch (at 4.30pm!). Everything with Fries is seriously yumz! HEHE Finally these kind souls accompanied me to eat, have been wanting to go for ages! And after that we had free Frolicks! Cause for every 2 laps swam, one rubber band is collected and I collect 50 rubber bands so I got goodies bag and lap prizes! One of it is $5 Frolick voucher, and there's a free topping voucher in the goodie bag inself! HEHEHE Frozen ftw! :D
Was planning to mahjong as initial plan with Jas was cancelled. But we were all worned out from the swim. And now I'm here waiting for someone to be back from JB. Argghhhh waiting sucks!
I was abandoned in Singapore and I spent (most of) the day at NUS pool with Team WSapiens. The sun was scorching and despite the huge amount of Sunplay SPF 130 slapped on my back, I still got burnt. How badly, I would not know till later won't I? Now I'm just red. :/ And sooooo, I completed 100laps (5km) in 2hours flat! Could've gone faster but due to the constant "jam" in the lanes, I stopped quite alot of times- all the NUS guys chionging for the "most lap swam" prize which is like a medal and some free gift (wah piang got money go NUS no money buy bags and arena stuff meh?) Ended up with alots of people knocking into each other and some of them are really very rude! One guy went underneath me and knocked into me when he surfaced, from the bottom, like hello where's your brains? Got brains go NUS then no common sense isit? Freaking pissed while swimming but yeah I got my revenged though, I kicked some of them on purpose :) Then WS slacked while some of them collected their prizes and then we went over to Holland V to have our very late lunch (at 4.30pm!). Everything with Fries is seriously yumz! HEHE Finally these kind souls accompanied me to eat, have been wanting to go for ages! And after that we had free Frolicks! Cause for every 2 laps swam, one rubber band is collected and I collect 50 rubber bands so I got goodies bag and lap prizes! One of it is $5 Frolick voucher, and there's a free topping voucher in the goodie bag inself! HEHEHE Frozen ftw! :D
Was planning to mahjong as initial plan with Jas was cancelled. But we were all worned out from the swim. And now I'm here waiting for someone to be back from JB. Argghhhh waiting sucks!