
The last paper was indeed quite demoralising. Well my attitude was the one which should be blamed but nonetheless the paper was pretty sucky. Its okay for MCQs to be tricky but seriously I rather do 3 SAQ than 70MCQ, makes my eyes go @.@ totally. And couldn't they set a better question? Urmz it's like the answer could be this and that (not OR) and we are right darn confident about the correct answer. In the end, the clever Ms TLP wrote "type 2-3 hypovolaemic shock". Dead clever she was but still, what done is done, we can't change anything now too. Sigh.

Was at Ikea with Youseeme, MrTan and BruiseLor after the paper and was enjoying the meatballs! :) then we got onto a cab with a road-idiot (translate to chinese) cabbie who doesn't know the way to Tampines from Tampine Ikea. -.- And Mr Bruise was so confident of the way back that he gave directions till we ended up at near Hougang! Bahhhhh~ Gonna post this on fb too!

Okay shall go back to mahjong naoooo~ Win more moneyyyy! Hehehee youseeme lose like siao now lololx!



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