
Life for me is like a roller coaster ride, it kepts fluctuating up and down and sometimes I get real bipolar(ish). But come to think of it again, I myself made my life so screwed, no one else did. Even if someone really did, how screwed can it be compared to myself screwing up my own life. And the pretend that one has to put up to make things work sometimes is fustrating but no matter, cause putting up a fake front is necessary to avoid all the squabbles which are so un-called for. And to make choices which will make yourself happy is selfish. It's not hard but sometimes it's for the greater good that we made outselves suffer. All for the greater good.

I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. - Eleanor Roosevelt

And yes, the choices I made in the past made me who I am today and note, I do regret some of them (like how freaking fat am I now, why did I stop swimming, why didnt I stopped nursing when I had the chance). For the last point, I really do regret, deeply. I screwed up in 1.1 and I was considering to drop the course in 1.2. You could tell from my attendance and attitude but still I made it through the exams nevertheless. I stayed because of my friends and this might sound stupid but yes, CCA. I should have just stopped then cause now, both my once beloved CCAs, I'm not involved in them anymore.

If only I had a time machine ehhh. But heck, I should be making the best out of everything isn't?


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