Hi everyone. I'm supposed to be asleep as tmrw is an important day for me. But I'm suffering from a serious case of insomnia. Lately I have difficulty faLling asleep, its not like I'm gieeting enough rest you see. Sigh. I'm tired and I wanna rest badly but why the hell can't I fall asleep! Its very frustrating! Everytime I close my eyes, my mind starts thinking of some nonsense like how to make more money (wtf) and how to become skinny (wtfwtf) like what exercise shall I do so I can slim down asap (wtfwtfwtf). Its so lame seriously. And I get palpitations, damn loud my pulse when I close my eyes and try to blank my mind. Zzzzzzz! My bioclock spoil like mad already seriously. I've got comfy bed, two soft pillows, blanket, my baby bloster to hug, dark and quiet environment, aircon plus fan somemore! Why not enough for me to sleep. And plus the fact that I'm dead tired? Why is my mind so awake now? Think is post studying. My mind still having holiday (wp). I need to go study to tire mind maybe? Sigh!

Tmrw how to take test like that? Although its just 50 MCQs but the questions are so tricky and passing is 45! How to pass aiyohhh streSs ttm man zzz! I wanna book ftt one ley! And I was thinking just now, I need to make many many money and save up, like Nick said "Bo lui liao ah!" Weekends still wanna go party, ohmyg *faints* Okay plan, since Yami is taking her own sweet time, I shall try others. (And Yami should be a girl right? The name like gay. And Koi should be a guy) okay nonsense.

And I'm hungry now! I'd better sleep soon! Hopefully. Zz.

Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Handheld.


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