This year is ending, finally.
Frankly speaking, it sucks. To prove, read all my 2010 entries and try comparing it with 09 or 08. Seriously, sucky ttm. I have many regrets in life, I don't deny that there have been good times during this year but the bad times override it, makes the good times look tiny, insignificant. Good or bad, I've survived, though barely but I did.
The last year in school, or so I thought until I found out that I'm gonna graduate in Sept due to a forward module which is like lameshittothemax. So yeah I'm wasting my time now doing one module which is going to end in 3days time while the rest of the batch is doing their PRCP now. Sigh. School sucked but on the other hand competitions were awesome. WSapiens rock seriously even though the trainings are tougher than hell but the feeling on top of the podium is undescribable. Next is KOI, something good I would say. Met some pretty awesome people there and now I know why people can be so into work cause people and environment plays a big role. Not gonna say anything about BGR, really speechless by now. Zzzzzz. I've hurt and been hurt, that's that.

Thankful for the people who taught me new stuff.
Thankful for the people who believed in me.
Thankful for the people who stood by me during the toughest time of my 19years of stupid life. Thankful for everything that has happened cause I'm a (maybe not better but definitely) tougher person now. (More resilient I would say, more sensible and I realised that nothing good comes out of things if forced, finally understood the saying "勉强是没有幸福的".)
2011, bring it on.