Today marks my 150th day working as a registered nurse and work couldn't be more tiring. Nope the workload isn't getting better, the patients aren't getting easier to deal with and so is their family members Well people say the worst job to have is one which deals with people, and yes that's true, very fuckin' true. It's impossible to do what's best for the patient and yet please everyone. People nowadays get information with a click from their phones and think they are very smart and how dare they question a doctor's treatment for a patient and how dare they demand for a particular treatment plan they read off a website.
Then what are healthcare workers for?
Major sigh here. Please people, GTFO of the hospital if you think you know better. Yes doctors are human and nobody is perfect and yes I do agree that they might overlook some details or some symptoms but as long as no harm is being done upon the patient, why make a big hoohaa out of things? You know it's not easy being a doctor? No easier being a nurse! I just hope you people out there would grasp this idea and always put yourself into other people's shoe before judging us healthcare workers. Tqvm. The atmosphere in the ward is bad, everyday you go to work, people who usually smile no longer smile that much anymore, people start to doubt each other, doubt our superiors and our management. Miscommunications, it's hard to clear. Things will get better, I hope they do.
And boyfee enlisted today!
Woke up early in da morningz to send him off at Tekong! And WOAHHHHHHHHH tekong life seems quite good?! And seeing all the recruits there doing their day to day activities it reminds me so much of my NPCC days HAHAHAHA (even thou mine is chickenfeet compared to theirs) But seeing those footdrills (I really miss falling in under the hot sun and doing footdrills all day long!) Then tent pitching and when I saw those I kept babbling to Boyfee on how to build a tent and oh those campcraft competition days. Then those water parades and changing parades we have during the training camps and all awwwwww awesome much! ATC at Pulau Ubin is shiokkkkkkkk.
Then for a moment I wanna sign on army HAHAHA!
HAHAHA Ogayyyyz whutdafuk am I talking about but yeah ahhh those days were (Y)!
Ogayyyz back to topic so before he enlist we went for all kinds of good food cause I've heard stories that the food that the cookhouse serve is (-.-) then again free lodging, free food and free fitness sessions what do you expect. Got not much pictures of the food, more of the people eating the food, which are mostly me and boyfee! We went to AMK Melben Seafood with the awesomez last Saturday and had our fill of Crab Beehoon and ButterCrab! Thinking about it makes me salivate *slurps*
Went Old Airport Road and had
So this beancurd has been famous for it's smooth texture and it's not too sweet, just nice! Pudding like!
The queue is freaking long. I queued for 20-30mins and bought 10 original ones!
Kiasu hehe! Packed some back home to savour it over 3days!
Then me and boyfee had Marche yesterday at 313 Somerset.
4 Cheese Ravioli with veges!
Potato Rosti with Chicken Cheese Sausage!
Salmon Steak!
Strawberry Spongecake!
Strawberry and Marshmellow in Chocolate fountain dip!
So actually I started this entry at around 8plus and boyfee's admin time is at 930pm. Apparently I blogged for such a long time and I'd just received his call not long ago. Epic fail please.
And hahaha the botakhead was dreading to shave his head for enlistment and really he hates physical trainings? So I kind of imagine the feeling of him enlisting: WTF WASTE TIME WASTE YOUTH WASTE LIFE AND !@#$@#!@#!#%$^&%^$!
But after receiving his call just now I thought he sounded excited or even motivated about being in Tekong. Which I really do hope he would enjoy the time in there so time would pass faster for him! Nothing beats doing what you like! Besides the fact that he got his head shaved again cause his already-shaved-hair wasn't short enough!

Well hope you would have fun inside and see you in 2weeks' time!
Pigggtureeeee time!
Gonna go crash on my bed which has many plushies thanx to boyfee.