
This is one post well said from a former NS girl in reply to what how Singaporean girl respond to the recent death of a NSmen. 
I was once in green as well. And though any Singaporean guy can tell you this, I just thought it’ll be good to come out from another girl’s mouth, just so you know it’s not about "weak"ness, male egos and however else females somehow like to insult their brave NS men with :( So ladies, I know that the NS experience is the equivalent of a fairy story to you. But just so you know how privileged you are –

You may laugh at how funny botak heads and black spectacles look. For a new recruit whose name has become "Eh, Recruit", and not the name he has had since always and will maybe lose to weird nicknames in the next two years of his life: at the most important stage of his life thus far, that is the last of his worries.

As you wake up leisurely just think about how they wake up, after 7 hours of sleep, to yet another punishing day of physical training.

As you freshen up remember that the amount of toothpaste they put on their toothbrush is one of the few decisions they actually get to make – at every other moment, they are told precisely what to do, and punished for anything short of robotic perfection.

As you choose what clothes to wear, know that he only has the choice between that still-damp-one-I-rinsed-in-the-sink and the-stinky-one-that-I-didn’t-get-to-wash.

And as you miss him, know that he is thinking of you every moment he can, as he does his monotonous physical exercises by each whistle blow, as he digs his shellscrape and the heat rash stings his entire body, as he listens to you say on the phone, “I wish you weren’t there. I don’t think I can do this for much longer”. Because, out of everything they have to endure, the only time I’ve seen them cry is when they think and talk about you. Their family.

Your boyfriend, your male friends, brothers and sons, may dislike the army for robbing him of his freedom and time, even his youth. Yet if you want to support them, don’t just side with them and resent the policy of NS too, just like that. Instead, please do your country a favour and treasure him, because otherwise he’s only got his buddy (and his rifle) and his commanders to watch his back and they’re all in this together; he’s got two years that he has no choice but to make the best of, while you are living your carefree life happily. Please don’t dismiss their efforts, mock the precious life that was lost and everything they sacrifice, to protect Singaporeans like you. And when they have ORDed, when they gang up together in their little huddles and talk about NS, please don’t feel left out.. I hope you feel appreciative. It’s the only thing your country demands of you in its defense.

Please do not take them for granted.

May PTE Lee rest in peace.

P.S. To all Mums: Solid home-cooked food during book-outs is a (Y).

 Well how true is that. So why do we have people like that saying that Singaporeans are weak when they are that unfortunate, to think that one may collapse while doing their daily routine is so unbelievable. And it's an expected death, nobody wants do die at the age of 21, not to mention that he would have tonnes of things to do, he might want to further studies, he have yet to bring his parent's overseas for a family trip and he have yet to fulfill his promises to his girl who has waited day and night for him. And then one day he just stopped the replying those texts, stopped calling his mum, stop updating those facebook statuses and people at making sarcastic response to that. Total inhumanity I would say. Feel so disgusted seriously. Read another facebook post saying that in 2015 NS would be compulsory for all females under the age of 25. Would totally be in for that, just to let those girls out there know the pain of waking up at 5 in the morning everyday just to fall in and have breakfast at 6. Well let them die trying, karma will be round to slap that girl so that she would wake up her idea. Self absorbed, selfish beings who don't deserve anything. 

Urghhh am so eff-ing pissed. C'mon, gender discrimination is so primary school and why would people make such an insensitive statement to someone's passing! Seriously let them go try and let them die trying. The world do not need these people anyway, it would bring more problem, a waste to our precious resources and a social disgrace. Feel so ashame to be breathing the same air as her. If I see her in real life I would slap her up down left right, tie her to a pole and let all the NSF practice their unarmed combat on her. 

This kind of people will definitely "burn in hell" 
Must really show no mercy sia, kan. 

Anyway I'm so proud of my boyfee who is serving the nation even though he doesn't have any choice. 
And I think I look better in smart four than my nursing uniform LOL. How about a career switch after my bond, so fun leiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Urgh miss my uniform group days, it's like a miniature NS hahaha! Things we do is almost the same, just slacker. 

And I miss him! Today is friday yet it's not book out day. Will only get to see him tomorrow and whut I'm working afternoon shift. SIGH WANT TO TRANSFER TO CLINIC ALREADY! 

And the weather is really mother hot can? :(
Can't wait to get into the pool for some fat burning. 


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