

2012 has its ups and downs but I couldn't ask for a better year. 
It's been a year since I'd started working full time and working life is a bitch. I can say I'm doing good and have been given many responsibilities. Few months ago, I was being asked to take on the challenge of being a roster maker, then to championing new system which is being rolled out two months ago, taking part in audits and the latest, preceptorship. Really grateful for the never-ending opportunities my nurse manager offered and yes job satisfaction is there no doubt. I'm no longer counting down to the end of my bond but still, I'M LEFT WITH 10 MORE MONTHS TO GO! HAHAHAHA *GRINS* 

Coming February I will be starting school, taking part time degree in SIM. Now that's a challenge. Those who have known me as a student, you will know what I mean. What's more, it's a part time course, juggling both work and school at the same time, it's pretty scary. Nevertheless, if not now, then when? I'm sure I can do it if I want to, I'm not too far away from school life, only to have graduated officially in May'12, I think I can still mug pretty well. LOOOOOL. Okayz bring it on. 

Lovers/haters, friends/foes, I'm glad you stayed or left. Cause those who matter won't mind and those who mind won't matter. Those who stayed on, THANK YOU FOR BEING SO AWESOME-LY TOLERANT. Can't imagine life without you all. And for those who I've not been able to make time for, I'm really happy that we all stayed in contact some way or another. Those who left, thanks for making my life better by leaving and stay away. I have no time for dramas. 

I've been partying hard this year too. Seize the day, live fast, die young. Being twenty-one, I should party hard. Time won't wait and I don't want to waste time being adult and forgo all my youth, being young and wild and free!


Get your Crayon~ WHY SO SERIOUS?! 

Goodbye 2012, thanks for being a naise bitch and not killing me on my twenty first.
It's TWENTY THIRTEEN for now. 
It's not the end, it's not a new beginning, it's a continuation of life. 



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