Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man

My pride, my ego, my needs and my selfish ways.

I should really stop punishing people for things that aren't their fault. I had been way too selfish and its always the people hurting are those closest to me. The feeling of rejection from those closest to you hurts the most badly but its what I deserve. All those 'not good enough's will never be good enough. One can never the internal struggle that I'm experiencing right now, trying to justify my own thoughts and feelings. 
Eternal damnation.
Fatal flaw.

I have a lovely man who stood by me despite all odds for the past twenty-three months. In another twenty days we will turn two. How quickly time flew and I truly believe that I can't find any other better man. He had never once given up on me. Through all my selfishness, he chose to stay and continued to shower me with his love, being there for me when I was down, giving in and giving up his own pride and ego while tolerating my nonsense. I love him, but I'd hurt him. I'd diminished his esteem to nil, made him shed tears and heart ached but he deserved none of that. I do not deserve him. It's just a failure to only realize, after nearly two years the importance of this person in my life. He is heaven sent, to make me understand myself and life better. The sacrifices he made can never be compared to mine. His determination to love me unconditionally , making me smile through the darkest period, warming me in the coldest hours has never wavered, but I was always looking for more, taking him for granted. But more was there, more is here right in front of me! I realized what a selfish fool I was to overlook that, to only see what he did but not what he is trying to do all these while. Blinded by greed, I had failed to realize that the sweetest of love has always been from him. Words really cannot express my feelings for him.
Thank you baby for always standing by me through all the ups and downs.
I'm sorry baby, I love you.

Nope, me and my baby do not have any problems, this is solely a self-reflective entry.


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