Say a little prayer

Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with people who stayed by my side despite me being inadequate and lousy as a friend. I would like to give thanks for You are the one who opened my eyes to see clearly and let me have the chance to show them love. Thank you Lord for putting me in situations which allowed me to understand and accept what's real and what's not. I think the hardest part of these all is coming to terms with mtself and to have the courage to accept that maybe some things are just now meant to be. Lord please lead and guide me through this phase of my life and I pray for all my friends, family and loved one to be bless by your greatness and generosity.  Let them be strong and happy for their happiness will become my own happiness. Lord your power is endless and I give you my all, to be your servant and let me see the world through your eyes, love with your heart and live with your spirit for the better. In Jesus' name, Amen.


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