
It took me awhile to finally get it in my head that you're not worth it. Not one bit. Behind that perfect shell lies an ugly selfish person and I was so blinded by your looks. Now now, I'm superficial (ikr!) But who isn't! Honestly looks isn't everything but it matter! I'm just so glad I'd managed to look past those superficial beauty and into that dark soul. Wish I hadn't taken so long to open my eyes but I'm really happy that I followed my brain instead. Well done peabrain! You did not fail me this time!! Thank you Lord, I should've heed those warning signs long ago instead of blatantly ignoring them.

I think many girls are into "bad boys" in hope that they would be the one who can "tame" them and I admit that I'm one of them. I found bad boys so attractive and the higher their "bad" index, the better. But "swag" is so yesterday. I don't need money, I don't need class, I just need you to be there. Bahahahha so cliche! But nahhhhhhhh~ I think girls, including myself need to value ourselves and not base our self worth on those assholes out there.

It's a big messy world out there and I'm happy in my bubble. Thank you Lord, my girlfriends, (ex)boyfriends, friends and family. Xx 🙏


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