
I was just effing curious on what made people go on that particular dating app so I'd decided to re-download it today.

So history is I did try Tinder but got off after a trial week. I did get some amount of "matches" but hell there were some pretty disgusting creatures luking behind those poise photos which made me swipe right. Well I mean yes of course everyone choose their most flattering photos as their profile picture but soon I learnt that looks (or rather profile pictures) can be so deceiving. I read back some of the "conversations" that my matches and I tried to had and I seriously had a great laugh. Lol. Some came up with cheesy pickup lines, some tried so hard and some douchebags literally cut the chase and went straight to the bootycall. Honestly, it just gross me out. While I do agree that physical attraction is important, I cannot believe how superficial people can be. There, underneath that pretty face, boobs and butt lies a beautiful person which unfortunately most people chose to ignore.

What a waste. Well I guess this is dating in this era, everyone's looking for something but majority of them out there are pretty selfish. I just cannot believe the things guys would say just to get their fuckgirl. Why do people even behave like this lol. I just cannot comprehend what's so nice about the games, dont they end up hurting one party and why would a normal human even wanna hurt someone for their own benefit. Someone enlighten me... This is pretty sick.


Anonymous said…
You are a beautiful girl and naturally there will be some creeps attracted to that superficial I say work on that inner beauty to shine through and surely the sincere ones will eventually appear.lowering your expectations would also help as we all know how well ego works.

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