wakakas... so long nv update le...
some news to annouce...

first` i am the new head of training... tts a very very good news!!!
next` i am involve in the school's national day parade!!!
next` i am the parade 2IC for the skl ndp parade!!!
next` i am the parade commander for the muster parade tml!!!
lastly` i am in the finals for the chinese singing competition!!!

okays... stuffs that have been happening... last wed... we the sec 3s got to know our postings!!! lols... hu are the heads??? lemme tell u!!!

**drum rolls**
head of training
: cherlyn teo ziyi-
head of competition
: chng jia long-
head of admin
: nurliyana-
head of welfare
: estelle yeo yunlin-
head of publicity
: bruno hue wee keong-
head of logistic/ quartermaster
: goh jun long-

lols... good news... i not so sure of hu is in which department but i noe tt my dept consist of
welfare got...
lols... oli noe this 2 depts!!!

den now is a hot period cus so busy... wid studies and np... now is the so call " test / exams period" graduating classes having orals, prelims and stuffs... den the others... COMMON TESTs!!! took english and history liao... lols.. history i tat day den i learn... sure die de... den so far so good... hees... nv maple so much le... lols... no point la... no time oso... i nid to brush up on my maths... today got back maths test... fail again.. one of the last in class.. i understand leis... but den take test den all blur le... stupid zuojia... owas disturb me... so sians... ytd pe... run 1.6km... lols... we all walk!!! den after recess... zuojia throw jinpeng's pe shirt on my head.. argh!!! jingpeng is so smelly lo... smelliest guy in class!!! den d&t oso... kip making me... wtf.... den i am not sleeping in class so often liao... yay~ song bo... hees!!!

today trained for the ndp parade and muster parade... fun la... i love parades so much lo... den tml ncc camp... all the best for ncc camp tml... my ncc buddies!!! hahas... i must not cork up tml during the parade..if not... pump until lyk siao man... lols... cus tml first parade of the year... must rmb pledge, the steps.. and must loud enuff... i can do it de... just believe... practice... hope i wun corkup and the sec 1s and 2s wun cork up oso... as for my sec 3s... i believe in them!!! hahahas... parade 2IC is good enuff...got to wear number 1!!! weetsX))


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