Bom Bom Pow

First day of school was crappy, cause I only had two hours of lecture. And that's all the lectures I'm gonna have every week. Sleep-deprived, very. Meeting back schoolmates were great, now it's all left with the few of us and now I think its till death do us apart. We've got no one else but us. And like nobody can stop a guy from watching pornography, you can't stop a Cherlyn from skipping lectures. I did today! :) to have lunch at North and it was too early for me! Thus I ate many many junkie junk junk today. But it was therapy I guess. Cause itchy backside me went to find Doris again despite me knowing the answer. Well I should be spanked on the butt. Cause I went boohoo after that. Then I was mad at everyone else and I felt lousy and fat with more and more boohoos. But then xoxo, Gossip Girl cheered me up and I'm exhausted now.

Anyhoo, what did I do for the past week.
  • Passed BTT with an amazing score of 48! on Wed. :D
  • Successful shopping trip/catching up session with Youseeme on Thurs.
  • Interview and got myself a PTJ at Koi on Fri.
  • Picnic at Marina Barrage & bonding session at G's for Liping's birthday on Sat.
  • Date with G on Sun.
Okay I was a busy bee without any money now. Shall go sleep soon too. & I used to think I think too much, guess I was wrong. I'm thinking the perfectly right amount of stuff. And yet again, I proved that a girl's sixth sense plus instinct is always right, with some awesome observation skills of course :)

We’re girls, we get jealous, we will hate that mother fucker who spams your facebook, we tend to assume things, our imaginations go wild. Every second you take to reply, thousands of things goes through our heads ; who you talking to? Is it that mother fucker bitch? We start assuming, and this is when we get insecure. But then.. we’ll try comfort ourselves, we’ll think back to our conversations and make ourself believe you ain’t that type of guy. So don’t disappoint us.


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