now early morning.. still at my san gu hse . lol. now my alvin korkor slping beside me. he jus went to nap awhile. cus we playing neopets ! LOL so lame zz but we no choice la. no maple no audi no nth ! at kallang now. lol. sian. came here ytd. den me my er gu[second aunt] alvin korkor and my san gu zang[aunts hubby] play daidee. lol. the one with the most cardsmust drink beer ! lol.. i drank 2 times ! no more beer den we played with fruit champange type.with no alcohol content de.. blehs. had some pretty nice cards in my hands. after tt mybros dl maple on this lappy. den i played awhile. showed my alvin korkor the "new" maple. he used to play global. so all in maple now is new to him.even ossy -.- den played a while den i went watch until i wan to sleep LOL den dinner is ready. had honey roasted turkey ! pork ribs, chicken wings drumsticks hotdogs salad fried rice and wedges. YUMS ! lol.. the drink served is green tea =.=" i anti green tea. so i ...
Showing posts from December, 2006
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friday. gotten a pretty necklace from darlinggg ! thank you ! did road marshall duties in skl for sec 1 registration day. so tiring. darlinggg went for ncc duties also. he's sick but he still went for that. after that we went to polyclinic to see doctor and we waited for like 2 hrs plus -.- went to westmall to eat. he din really eat much though. den i send him home ! xp he's still sick. >. hais. sat. shagged ! din really sleep for 24 hrs. and i went swimming !!! life saving was alright. was swimming laps instead of doing theory and waterworks[towing and stuffs]. i am like swimming like hell la. LOL din swim for bout 1 mths plus den suddenly go swim -.-" dieeeee le la. xp so after swimming 6 laps for continuous freestyle. my hands are going to drop off. lol. everyone elses are. not for jialong ! he sucks LOL. den we swam 6 laps of continuous breaststroke. tts still not too bad la. den we swam 25m laps. 300m total.. i swam with chingyi .. den we did straddle jump, plungin...
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starting of the event ! GMAMapleLeaf. LOL. laggy lo ! event start le ! 2 teams. team MAPLE & team STORY. objectives. use normal attack hit the snowball move towards the finishing line. we won ! kekes ! see team MAPLE still hitting the snowball VICTORY is OURS ! TEAM STORY HUAT AH !~ today is a short day for me ! LOL cus i slpt at 1plus in the afternoon. woke up at 6 plus. morning tried play audi .. cannot connect to server ! -.- den go youtube watch 4th job videos. LOL jus found out the names of 4th jobs chars. im so SLOW ! PRIEST = BISHOP !! i am so lucky to have chosen to be a cleric at lvl 30 ^^ last judgement ! my favourite skill ! so cool la 4th job. oli use super alot of mana. darlinggg nv go see doctor today ! sadsad T.T den jus now complain to me say so xinku.. so sian. cannot eat this cannot eat that. sian like _!_ who ask u dunwan wake up when i call u.. haiyo ! see u now like tt. slpt at 1plus pm. woke up cus darlinggg called me. kekes. wash up den go use com. den got go...
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darlinggg always want me update blog. den ownself say lazy dunwan make blog ! T.T jus now in the morning i saw the sunlight ! what a wonderful thing to see . lala. so happy. i was thinking " wah, tai yang finally come out le ! :] " so glad. den rain again =.=" so lame la the weather. zz keep raining . __ weather ! LOL just now 5 plus am i lvled again ! lvl 79 ! PRO xp den went to sleep at 7 plus. slpt on sofa again ! cus near com so easy to reach my com when i wake up. actually is i lazy climb stairs go up sleep. LOL den woke up at 5 plus ? 6 plus.. darlinggg called and msged me. but i nv hear. LOL wash up and i mapled again. train at sub D 50% den go fm. find darlinggg. DISBAND KAMPATAE le ! T.T so sad sia. so many memories in KAMPATAE lo. all quit go join YITIANWEIDI -.- nvm la. den i trained at coolie. lvled again ! PROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ! 8x le. darlinggg say is ACHIEVEMENT. he 8x at around january ! LOL. i played this char 6 mths den 8x ! heh...
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update le ok darlinggg. sorry.. i forget bout it.. ytd went to pcbunk with darlinggg alone.. i stayed up the whole night playing. slacking ba. called darlinggg to wake up. den we went to eat breakfast at long john sliver .. yumms. and we went to bunk. com 13 ! sofa seat. and i literally slept for 4 hrs. lying on darlinggg's shoulder while he anego =x malford saw tt -.-" LOL den wake up le. help darlinggg anego [ kekes ! so pro ! i mean me not his char ] den i died ! anego slapped me 18k -.-zz den i see him play and den played audition.. went to eat dinner at kfc at plaza singapura. den we went home ! kekes ! love my baobei darlinggg so much ! sorry bout the attitude showing in bunk ! >. today.. i din sleep for the whole night again ! i was training. got a new pet ! MY PET :)) type : panda name : H I M (: lvl : 11 so fast lvl de.. kekes ! went to pet park to jump with yuanny and dawei. dawei also got a panda. i lvled at 5 plus int he morning. free map 3 ! kekes. den lvled le...
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hehe.. today is my uncle de wedding. bout the previous post, i just realised it not my uncle birthday but wedding. lazy go change also. woke up at 2 plus.. kekes. den went to get my hair done and makeup on.. cut my hair oso. so short le. den the hairdresser helped me bun up my hair. by rolling it, spraying hair spray and putting lots of pins ! den put glitters on my hair. den put on makeup.. had my eyebrows trimmed =)) put on lipstick , eye shadow, eye liner.. makeup colours were plained but darlinggg say it was thick.. the eye liners were obvious.. den went home after my make up and stuff.. den went to the restaurant.. changed into the gown and went out .. kekes. was the english emcee. got an angbao ! hehe.. all was ok. food was alright. there were chocolates ! stolen some back for darlinggg. darlinggg is still sick =\ badbad ! headache ! FEVER ! T.T darlingggg so xinku le ! still anyhow eat things. drink cold water !!! cannot hor ! rmb drink warm water. jus now bought a ppc 20k ! chr...
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so late le and i am still not in bed ! i turned nocturnal already. changed my blogskin. edited some of its parts myself. this was supposed to be done 2 days ago. but i forget to save it and i published it. -.- how clever.. my darlingggg so sweet ! kekes ! opps and my mummy found out le. sorry darlingggg T.T but she didnt really mind after all ! lalalas~ darlingggg treat me sooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ! my didi de brithday. went to ang mo kio eat crab beehoon ! yumms ! so full la. den went to lot 1 I.P Zone get tees and jeans for my didi. tml uncle birthday need wear. i tink is today. =x nvm bout that. need to put on a gown -.-" ts sooo lame lo... stiill need to make hair and put on makeup. zzz mapled for bout 3 hrs? 4hrs? gain bout 55% den stopped. went to have supper with darlinggg. he's sick ! T.T ask me bring jacket for him. but my jacket washing so i brought my lifesaving long sleeve tee for him.. ate le den he send me to my doorste...
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people people ! just now my darlinggg ask me. why your blog nv update de? lol. so now i update for him to see ! kekes. for the past few weeks. my days turned into nights and my night turned into days. what a life ! as usual. games games games . maple maple maple grats tabbysin 15x! grats AutumnApple 12x! grats xXDaWeiXx 135! grats CoraIsin 108! grats Alch3mix 10x! grats iCedxgirL 77! xp kekes ! butttttt. nvm bout tt. npcc has lots of things to handle lately. sec 1 orientation performance. i got my training sessions for 2007 to finish. not forgetting my Annual Camp 1007 Proposal !!! must organised promotion test, badge test, lectures, drills whatever whatever... sec 1 registration thingy. we are sec 4s to be and yet still sooooo busy ! LOL 4mths had passed and we are still going strong ! love you so much darlinggg. the best among the better best ! XP i just simply love him so much. although sometimes we will quarrel over the small matters. but i loved you more after each tiff. slosly...