MOVED ! just feel like moving back to LiveJournal. =) cherlyn's a blog hopper. FOUND THE LINK YET??? my new link's within the post. =))
Showing posts from March, 2008
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today is my BAD HAIR DAY. oh my god freaking digusting la ! woke up to find my hair BUSHY ! freakked out duh. all girls will. tried to put lotion, hair spray and water on my stupid ponytail ! and it still looks like a bunch of tied-up hayyy ! in the end tied my ponytail with 2 rubberbands. one top and one in the middle to prevent from tail from hayying ! Revolting ! big boss came to visit my workplace just now. he sat down, looking at files and i was like telling WanTing, " Eh give Rolland water lei. " Her : "dunno laaa. " so in the end i pluck up my courage to bring 2 glass of water to him and a lady. when i was putting the glass, he looked at me, as though expecting me to say something, and i was stunned. and like looked back at him, smiling, he smiled back. and i was like " Err, Hello ! water for you." LOL ! i must looked stupid ! LIKE A DORK ! shiet man. hope that was a GOOD IMPRESSION ! yvonne ask me to recognise Rolland's and Desmond's faces....
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was looking thru my SSes. found all these. since i have nth to blog about and ppl asked me to UPDATE ! i've decided to post my recent MAPLE life. z. LONG LONG SS LOST ! ACER COMPUTER EXPLODED ! so lost everything. EVERYTHING !! !@#$%^&*() !! stupid computer ! CLICK ON THE PICS TO ENLARGE ! =)) #1. -when kekediaoz still ACTIVE ! omfg. #2. -When 2 males married. this is all the comments you get for being an audience. (ps. theres more PRETTY comments) Grats Reins & MilkyGurl ! #3. -When guildies take BBS for granted =) #4. -When our Fidele happy that his ag-bro gets married ! (inactive-ness of OLIZI AND KW !) #5. -When GMs gets friendly with Maplers. (GMAMaiTake) #6. -When THE NOOB PRIEST finally LEVELS ! (thanks her PT x33) #7. -when CHOCHOTRAIN gets HIGHH ! Gary !!! =D #8. -When LordWonderBra Gets HORNY. (NOOB !) #9. -When you get a noob spot during Guild SS & GM comes to visit. =) #10. -When NOOB PRIEST GETS HER ZAKUM HELMET. Thanks LordWondeR JOHN ! #11. -When Damag...
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the following post is for HorizeN guild outing =) Date : 5th APRIL 2008. Venue : East Coast Park , BBQ Pit #9. Time : To be confirmed. Food List Available (link) Please click on the above ! Please confirm the food you prefer on Guild BBS (FOOD). eg. iCedxgirL - Chicken, Spicy, Fish, mai prawns. etc etc. just a brief one will do. Please dun choose those expensive food. cause you'll have to pay for them. iCedxgirL, LordWondeR will sponsor the BBQ pits. >. Confirmed food list will be Posted on BBS. So keep checking BBS for more infomation. ask those inactive Guildmates to COME too ! especially those who came for the last Guild Outing !! Closing 1 week before BBQ ! iCedxgirL ; Cherlyn =))
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RANDOM ! =/ JOHN IS A LAOCEEBEE !~ DUA ME ! OMGG LA ! had a good long chat with da ge just now ! Friday set ! Da ge showed me a link in msn just now. and i was like "omfg. SO QIAO hUh" Da ge's friend's a daddy now, and his wife is Sandy Liang from ShuQun. omg. S'pore is so small indeed. Sandy is 17 and Da ge's friend is 19, SO PEOPLE. TAKE PRECAUTION EH. if by chance Sandy or anyone elses sees this, please tell her. " Sandy, your baby girl is cute. you dun know me but i wish you luck in your care for Phoebe ! " :)) i've given up my day for double pay. cause i just dun wan to work ba. too worn out i guess. i got 3 off days this week ! Tues, Fri and Sat. Wed working morning 10am to 6pm, Thurs 6pm to Close. Sun it's 1pm to 11pm. First week no chiong i guess i'm not going to chiong for the rest of the week alr. too tired alr. like ethan , i'll need a good workout too. :) submitted my online enrolment just now. i sent my documents to the P...
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it's been raining like mtvasia playing non-stop hits all day. BOOO ~ today is so like a weekday laRhxzxzxzxzx ! GOT MOSQUITO BITE MY LEG LAAA ! OMFGXZXZXZXZXZXZXZ ! `Da Ge mai sad okie? i know you will feel troubled de. got anything not happy just talk to me ! i'll make you happy. LOL! `John you si bei noob ! SOOO NOOB LOLOLOLOLoLOLoLol !!! i'm going nuts =s
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just came back from midnight movies with John at CINELEISURE ! watched Rule #1 .kind of scary. nice plot but lameeeee ending ! work was ok today. full shift so i cant really enjoyed it. after work i bought a cake for John, small small slice of cake from Pacifque Coffee. den he damn CB. lol ! make me walk so many place den ask me meet him at the stupid place. went to Cine watch movie cus Vivo's GV is closed. so we cabbed there. after he bought the tickets, we went to Gloria Jeans to waste our time. Wanna pay for my CNC Mocha Blend and NY Cheesecake and his dunno wad drink but he take money damn fast. ZZZ ! so he ended up paying EVERYTHING ! & I NOT CHEAPSKATE OK ! talk cock. eat his cake, eat my cake. watched the movie. zz. i think the movie is made to fear the shit out of me. FIRST THE SWIMMING POOL, THEN THE POOL'S TOILET, LAST THE THING ABOUT BEING NURSES !! omggg la. stupid movie. after movie cabbed home with John. realised Cine is damn near my house. zz. only 5 bucks p...
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JOHN CHUA JIAN HUI , HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! Grow up already hor. Jiayou study okieeee? anything dunno can come and ask me !! John is my MOVIE-STEAD ! leg damn "SUAN" now. working non stop just now. woke up at 6 plus just now and went to Jurong Medical Centre for my Medical Check-up. Urine Test damn funny la. zz den went for x-Ray. then blood test. was darn scared at first. then so funny. the needle was damn long. but only the first quarter was inserted. and i was like asking the nurse, " huh, like that ah? ". cus i was expecting a sharp pain, LONG AND PAINFUL PROCESS but it wasn't. so i was overreacting -.- after that went up for the body checkup. not colourblind you see. Diagnosis Dcotor says i'm a healthy girl. I SAY I NEED TO CUT DOWN ON FOOD ! met WanTing at Boon Lay MRT. she "very" punctual one. DAMN punctual one lei. lol. den we went to harbourfront macdonalds to have our breakfast. HOTCAKES. went to work after breakfast. leg was aching the whole...
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just returned from work. :) received my Poly package yesterday. omg it's alot of documents huh. and i'll need to go for checkup for hepatitis B. LOL ! went to work with wanting just now. stress free i'll say. We started a clan at work LOL ! " KOPI & TEH MENU " so we're supposed to use the names of the beverages. Me - ICED MOCHA ; WanTing - MOCHA DREAMLAND ; Firli - ESPRESSO ; Eileen - MACCHIATO ; Ben - CAPPUCCINO ; Milton - TEH PENG ( iced tea ) LOL ! RECRUITING to KOPI & TEH MENU . [ Opened to Floor Staff only. :) ] Work was stress free ! meeting Wanting tml morning for breakfast :) pictures pictures ! ENROLMENT PACKAGE 2008/2009 ! :) Backroom part 1 backroom part 2 ! Ziyi & WanTing. :)) Miss SPILLED-COFFEE ! Cam-whore =x
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suppose to meet John at 1pm just now. HOHO ~ but i woke up at 1pm just now. by a message by Johnnnnieeeee :) so we decided to go PS for our movie. there's no L Change the World movie at GV in PS. so we decided to watch Step Up 2 : The streets instead. bought the tickets. while queue-ing up for the tickets there was this kid in front of me, darn funny. and i told him that it was his turn. he didn't realise it cause he was talking to his friends so loudly and he was acting all comical. funny character. and John said i was fierce ! NO I'm NOT !! we went to Ajisen for lunch then. LOL ! i can't finish my food ! Thanks John for the treattttt !! :) after that we went to bunk. saw devilzzzz fighting male boss, not the one outside Showa but inside the hideout. Big stupid botak LAO AH PEK. and then we took a com. sofa seat and i watched John trained for 2 hours. Guild's reaction hilarious when devilzzzz was mentioned by john being seen in bunk. =x after that we went up to b...
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i'm working and working. maybe life will be better when school's start. my short-term goal is to get into NYP's Swimteam & LSG !!! darn blogger. something happened to this stupid thing. so i can't blog yesterday. went for LS. did 200m warm up and then partner with cheryl. did 100m towing. 1 set only and then we did timing. not too bad i suppose. supposedly to be able to pass the 5 min timing for the first item for AM (swim 75m , tow 75m). but to hit the target of taking AM in June, the class will have to attend class regularly and PUNCTUALLY !! i'll do my part and eat less, exercise more. :) after LS. went to vivo and met my mummy and bros. ate dinner at Secret Recipe. Stupid people queueing in front of us creating trouble for the poor Host. omg la. i understand that feeling when you met some unreasonable customers. thinking that they've got a fair bit of cash so they can be demanding and stuff. " SHIT YOU !" i'll say. fucking arrogant attitude...
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my alarm rang at 9.30 am just now. reminder was to " Call NYP admin ask for Poly Package". being as lazy as i can be. guess what i did. =x i woke up. reach for my phone under my pillow, search the number in my contact list, dialled, spoke like 10 words, said "thank you , byebye" and POOF ! off to my lala land again ! thats how lazy Cherlyn can be !! was suppose to work full shift on monday. and OFF on tuesday & go watch movies with JOHN ! but yvonne told me that " Ethan / Wan Ping / Diyana also wan work full shift lei. you change with tuesday lah ! " den i " eh.... eh... errr... OK LOR " zzzz SO I"M SORRY JOHN ! so i'm told that i'll be getting my package tomorrow.Ethan was told that he's getting his next week. same school & different ans -.- i hope i start school soon !! work was fun but tiring too. march will pass soon and i'll get my pay soon. so anyone wanna go watch movie " L, change the world " with me...
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people people. i didn't exercise today. so sad. raining in the morning. i know it's excuses. but where's my Poly Enrolment Package !!???? omg. it's still not here yet ! i asked ethan bout his. and guess what. he didn't received it too !!! what the hell is NYP doing huh.. i wanna buy a lappy for myself. but i'm a computer retard. so dunno whats good and whats bad. BOOOOO ! any experts out there? guide me please. :( and as a Health Science student, i need to get my check up on Hep B. > calling the school tomorrow. maybe going down to collect the stuff. -.- if it's still not here by tomorrow morning, but i'm starting work at 12pm so maybe will clash. omg la. why so much trouble now !! i wanna study one ok. fringging documents !! Lyn will go pompom now and go orhorh after she pompom !!
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what the hell is MOE & NYP doing? i did not receive any poly package yet. and some of my friends already went for their medical checkups. omfg. z. great ! maybe there's something wrong with the postman ! I'll try not to get another day off this week, unless i need to go down MOE & complain & fire their ass off. No efficiency at all ! OK now. i guess you're not here to see me rant about MOE being slow and all this shiet. Worked today. No stress at all (: had 1 manager , 4 supervisers & 4 staff working today. working with KC / Jiajie / Zhi Chao / Wan Ping is fun . of cus not forgetting my beloved Ben Tan & Wan Ting ; "Eugene Sao" LOL ! we promised not to "自相残杀" LOL ! i totally agree with that. it's KC who gets all the entertainment in the end. =/ John jio me go watch L, Change the World . yea thats good ! i seriously need some entertainment in my life. If not i would be bored dead. dead ! next week probably. no time this week ! ca...
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getting all sorts of mood swing nowadays. one moment i'm happy, another moment i'm depressed. MOODSWINGS ! morning went to work : mood was alright. afternoons : happy night : happy >> SAD & DEPRESSED ! maybe my hairstyle is affecting me. becoming EMO already ! tomorrow's my off day. and i'm working 5 days straight for the rest of this week. but i'll chiong. just for the sake of getting rid of the boredom and stuff like that. some things are unexplainable. even if it's explained, people wouldn't understand. just like you. you don't even know the truth. maybe it's just like that. like that ! =/
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came back from work. funny things kept happening. seriously, working there is all fun and laughter. but it's all sweat and hardwork too. so i'm just going to keep working and working there, and keep earning the money. tomorrow it's another day of full shift. boooohoooo =( but i'm sure there's going to be a touch of fun and laughter in the midst of the hardwork. the rumours are actually quite funny actually. well none of them are true though. they spice up & speed up the process of work. i'm glad to know them. no joke. I'm Glad !! ((: ytd went for LS. well i was late. cause i went from work. swam 200m warm up. did a 200m sprint. target was less den 4 mins. like 1 lap 1 min? ok la. i dont swim fast. after that did a set of towing 50m ea with partner. target was 3.15 for me and pinrong. and we did like 3.05 plus minus. so its good ! then did 2 men CPR. after lesson. talked to jialong bout life saving and swim teams. LOL ! make me feel like joining NYP swimt...
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WHAT I THINK : Rumours make the life of people unhappy. especially when you're somewhat involved in the rumours. apparently some people thinks that it's funny, when it's not. Once, it is funny. Twice, I'll play along. Thrice, it's irritating. BLACK IS COOL ! WHAT HAPPENED : gotten my pay just now. not alot i guess >. THE FACT : Cherlyn is a BIG BIG fan of PARAMORE !