NYP LifeSaving Team. :) NATIONALS. BIRTHDAY. DEJECTED. DISAPPOINTMENT. WARMTH. LOVE. HAPPINESS :) Thanks all for wishing me HappyBirthday! AndyYek Mark SuperStar! Faith Dage :) KEWEI PTSSSSSSSSSSSS ! JoleneTan Babe Jesse Leslie TM Jieying Gabriel Jiamin WeiLing Melody JoleneWong Danny Darren Dinie JiaLong JasmineLim EugeneLim GiangWeiJie CaiLi Valliapan SamanthaSeah Wintono JunLong Bronte Darshini Estelle Arvind WeiLun Christy YuanShen SiuYun FINFINFIN Mummy 2nd Aunt 3rd Aunt NYP LGC! :) -SuperStar called me just to say HappyBirthday! Haha ! Touched, and love you loads ! -NYP LGC had a surprise celeb at Kallang Basin. *Someone sang my favourite song because I requested for it :))))))))))))))))))))))))) Thank you all. Really made my day despite what happened. Details tomorrow I guess. Need a good long rest to make up my energy lost today. :)