Most of us. :D No work tomorrow ! Haha. Selamat Hari Raya to all malay peepos! :D And I was thinking the public holiday was to celebrate Children's Day! Silly me. Hahahaha! Presentation was Okay just now. Ms Christine said we did a good job. And I guess I owe Auntie Lim lunch! :D Thanks Jasmine for the help ! :DDDDDDD I wanna swim, I wanna work out ! Thinking of the upcoming IVP, I can faint instantly. 100m backstroke is definitely not my event, I'm not even sure what's my best stroke. Oh great! So I guess I'll just have to give my best shot and pray hard that I wouldn't end up last again. Otherwise, I will be weeping like one big kuku again. Always emo-ing at one corner during major competitions. -.- I wish I wish...
Showing posts from September, 2008
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Cherlyn is Happy :D Went shopping with Jolene and Huaixin yesterday. Gotten some stuff for ourselves, but mainly for our beloved. :D SHOPSHOPSHOP ! The funny thing happened at NUM, we are all poor teenagers, with no money in our bank. :D So I'm so BROKEBROKEBROKE now. And I think I'm over-doing it. HAHA ! But who cares man, as long as I'm happy. Rushing the PowerPoint with Chiitrra and Alia now. Fucked up Case-Study! Hope everything would turn out fine tomorrow. Msn-ing. :D With Jolene, Superstar, AndyYek ! Last week of Attachment ! Last week to see my cooliooooooooooooo Physiotherapist! Last week to work with pretty SNs and ANs! Last week to see Sister's toot-toot face! HAHAHA! Anyway, I feel that 24hr a day is so not enough for me. I still got super lot stuff uncompleted. Oh god, please give me more time. I'm willing to exchange some of my fats to buy more time. Anyone selling time? :DDD I've got nothing else to say. I'm tired. I'm so dead for case-st...
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He belong to me. :D Currently in school's Macdonalds. Meeting for attachment's case study. Met up with baby just now. Went to IMM. Had Subway, Sorry my dear, but I really hate veggies ! Thanks baby for accompanying me to school. Seriously it's a surprise!! -Edited@19:00- Meeting was great, the case study was horrible! There was inadequate information given, and we realised that we didn't ask enough questions. Now we couldn't find the diagnosis, thus unable to do the interventions. Like super OMG as this case study is due on Tuesday. When I was in the train, I thought of alot of things. And those thoughts are not any-old-how-good-girl thoughts. Here are my thoughts: Not any good girl eh? Oh yes, Boyf is studying like some madman who escaped from IMH recently.. It's important I know, But somehow... I feel lonely. :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Replies to tags: >mad. HAHA! not very sweet la! hahahaha! You will find your sweet soon ! :D >Shyan. Yes dear, ...
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CHERLYN :D A week passed. Second week of attachment, feets are sore. Feeling lethargic associated with occassional giddiness and headaches. Yesterday morning, had partial blackout. Had to excuse myself from the report passing to the restroom. I dare not tell Baby, for he would be worried. :/ Over-tiredness and inadequate rest I guess. Irregular meals and most probably the lack of chlorine water :D I MISS SWIM, POLO, LIFEGUARD TRAININGS! Seriously I need my daily dosage of Chlorine Water and killer sets. My already-there-flabs are getting flabbier as days goes by. -.- Attachment ended early for me today. Baby came over and chilled. Napped with my boy for bout an hour and he started studying. And I wore his shirt :D Replies to tags. :) >Jolene. Urgh! You're gone for OBS! Missing you like mad now. :( Seriously, we should all write a petition and increase our pay. HAHA! >mel. Hello Hello! Haha, crazy woman indeed. Turning lesbo already can. Haha. Yes I miss trainings so much. I...
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No longer in deep shit, no longer afraid. I think my health is failing me. I guess I'll be skipping trainings this holiday. Fret not, I'll try my very best to attend trainings as regularly as possible. I do not wish to see myself as last during IVP, which will most probably happen. Inside me, there is nothing else except the everlasting list of medical terms and the faces of my patients. Do you miss someone right now? I know I do. More on LJ. Happy 17th Ashley ! Many loves Funny how often the word "forever" is being mentioned & yet relationships still ends. Times flies, unexpected, definitely. Reasons undefined, yet, it happened. Relationship ended, relationship started. Appreciated those thoughts, cherished those moments. Blessed by the best, Loved by the love. :D Credits to the following people who made my life so much easier to live on: SuperStar Mark! JoleneTan! JoleneWong! Melody! Jiamin! WeiLing! Huaixin! Jesse! JieYing! TM! Leslie! Gabriel! Julius! JiaLong!...
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I saw this joke on Samuel Lim's blog. Enjoy. :D PCK, phua chu kang la!, is explaining sex to chu beng's son, Aloysius... Aloy: Why is making love so enjoyable? PCK: Aiyah, ah boy, enjoyable because, same like when you dig your nose with your finger. Enjoyable not? Aloy: Do you think women enjoy sex more than men? PCK: Of course woman lah! When you dig dig your nose, your nose shiok or your finger shiok? Aloy: Why do women hate it when they get raped? PCK: Ai-yah! Say, you walk along the load(road), den somone come over and dig your nose, you like it meh? Eh?? Don't pray pray la. Aloy: Then why is it a woman having menses cannot have sex? PCK: OI! If your nose bleeding, you still go and dig meh? Siow ah! Use your blain man! Aloy: Why is it most men don't like wearing condoms? PCK: Ehhhh, when you dig your nose ah, you like to dig with a glove on your finger or not? Nobody dig nose with glove one la. Corlight (correct) or not? Aloy: Then why making love must carried out i...
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Guess who?!?!?! Please do not shout out the name :) I'm addicted to Subway Chocolate Chip Cookies already. I bake, but still wondering how do they actually make their dough so chewy! HAHA! And Miss Teo here is actually saving up! From tomorrow onwards I'm going to fix my ass at home and not go out anymore, I need money. Got my pay already, but it is miserable. Seriously not enough for me this month. I need to work more! And i'm scratching my leg like mad now. Super duper itchy! Went for lifesaving lesson just now. Did the usual sets. Went to Queensway to get my shoes. Kappa Black Canvas shoes, and Subway for dinner! :D
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Your Truly :) Weekends are here ! Attachment is somewhat a living hell. Because you'll have to stand for 8 hours, walk around, serve patients, do work, get ordered around, get scolded, get bullied by others and paid 10bucks a day only. On the good side, I've learn hell lots of new stuff. I've managed to carry out procedures which are not taught in school yet. That's fun. Haha. Anyway, I think Yours Truly here is going to die very soon, she will have a shorter lifespan than any other 17 years old girl, any other NYP SHS student, any other swimmer, any other nurse. She is currently the Student Nurse in Alexandra Hospital, Surgical Ward 12, Team 3, Cubical 7, Beds 38-43. My ward has 1 Hepatits B patient and 1 HIV positive carrier. My cubicle, beds 38-43, is an isolation ward, so patients I'm taking care of now is all patients with MRSA, Mecithilin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. Just for your information, this MRSA thingy is known as a hospital-aquired infection which...
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Attachment was tiring, literally took everything out of me. Learned hell loads of new stuff, and revised everything that had been taught. Made friends with those patients and it's fun listening to their life stories and life experiences. :) Team Meeting. More like a confrontation session. Good that everyone realise something was wrong with the team. Still feel that medals are not everything, efforts put in should be appreciated as well. And I hope that everything will be fine from now on. I wish. Swim Chalet. Missed first day due to the fact that I overslept. Went for second day. Actually is second night. Haha. FangShuai drove me, Nigel and AK there. Went up to the room slacked for awhile, went down and soaked water in the pool. Talked to SuperStar about LIFE, MY CURRENT LIFE ! HAHAHAHAHA! And kaypo FangShuai came and people started to crowd around. Feeling hungry thus 10 of us drove to nearby coffee shop for Supper! Ate hell loads of stuff. They played cards in the room, and some ...
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Blessed :) Attachment starting like what the hell. In about 8 more hours time, I will be in my Nurse Uniform, sitting in some lecture room, preparing to start my first day at work. I'm feeling quite reluctant to go for attachment. Seriously, who looks forward to it? I ain't going to continue my rants now, it's of no use. Haha. Wish me luck people.
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Killer sets yesterday. Warm up: 500m freestyle. Appetizer: -400m freestyle kick -400m backstroke kick -200m breaststroke kick MainCourse: Swam breath. 2 breath=1set. Swam 50 sets. 1min round. It might seemed long. But include the tumble turns, most people reach at 50s. Warm down: 4 breaths. Counted the distance we swam, 4.1km. :) Had dinner with Jiamin and Melody at S-11 after training. I swore that was one of the longest dinner I ever had.
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Cherlyn, says: USE PROTECTION HOR ! Bao says: LOL. Cherlyn, says: LOL ! Bao says: i cannot stand my DP sia. Bao says: nah, no protection. Bao says: LOL. Cherlyn, says: sibei gay Cherlyn, says: LOL ! Bao says: i don't like to wear plastic bag. Cherlyn, says: LOLOL !! Bao says: LOL. Cherlyn, says: LOL ! Cherlyn, says: WTF Cherlyn, says: rubber bag can?? Cherlyn, says: LOL ! Cherlyn, says: plastic Bao says: LOL. Cherlyn, says: you sure got use one lor Cherlyn, says: haha Bao says: k Bao says: i hate wearing ballons. Bao says: balloons. Bao says: Bao says: LOL. Bao says: pleae no. Bao says: i like it raw. Cherlyn, says: WOW HUH ! Bao says: LOL Bao says: LOL. Bao says: sometimes i think i quite gay sia. Cherlyn, says: YOU ARE ! Convo with Da Ge ! Can laughh like mad ! like wtf like that !
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CHERLYN !! JieYingggg ! Chng JiaLong ! Jasmine Lim ! Going for HS1087 Remedial later at 4pm. Wish me luck people. I bet Cynthia Hosey is going to teach me write proper references. Oh shit. Created new blog for picture posting. My blog is flooded with pictures from recent events already. CLICK HERE ! Oh yes, I've gotten myself a new Livejournal. I don't think I'm keeping the old one. It's too inappropriate for me already. HAHA!
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LifeSaving Competitions are officially over. Cheerios to that. Next up is Swim IVP & Waterpolo POL-ITE (Although I'm not takingpart in polo pol-ite) :) Will give 100% to everything I do now. I swear. I'm radiating heat. I'm burned. Cheers to NYP Girls Team A for getting a GOLD for beach sprint relay! Ownage ! :D Pictures some other days ! I've taken 200+ pictures during this weekend. Replies to tags : >Jolene. Hahah ! stop winking ! Eye lids cramped alr! :D >Lesy. Wooooooo ! Lesy siol ! hahahah ! yes. you super scandalous ! >xin. Hahaha ! I confirm will take one lor. Needa prove to myself that I can do it ! >Ju. Yes thanks Julian. Now I know alr. Accepted alr! When I posted that post, I was still living in denial. Thanks anyways! >Dinie. Hahahah ! Be touched !!!!! =DDDDDD >
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-ON BUS ! JOLENE & CHERLYN TM, HANLIANG & LESLIE -TABLE TABLE ! LOVELY ! CHOPSTICKS ! Competition ! :D NYP LIFEGUARDS! HanLiang, Jolene & Cherlyn Candice & HuaiXin Irene, Jesse & HanLiang Nigel & Candice JieYing & Candice Cherlyn & JieYing HuaiXin & Jesse Jolene, Jesse & Cherlyn AK & Tommy Khalis ! Nigel ! TM & Cherlyn -SNAPSHOTS ! -MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO ! MONKEYIN AROUND ! Here's a little entertainment for you guys who visit my blog. :) Starring : Nigel Pek Wen Kai, NYP.